Poster Presentations: Abstracts of the 20th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Belo Horizonte/MG 14-17 September 2016


  • Thalys J M Alves
  • Marco T Dias
  • Filipe P Barreto
  • Jhéssica L M Gonzaga
  • Paulo H A Campos-Júnior
  • Mariana N Barreto
  • Bruna Barros
  • Eduardo L A da Motta
  • Paulo C Serafini
  • Tatiana C S Bonetti
  • Jose R Alegretti
  • Eduardo S de Araújo
  • David Schaefer
  • Anna E A do Nascimento
  • Rafael A Salvador
  • Alfred Senn
  • David Til
  • Marcel Frajblat
  • Vera Lucia L Amaral
  • João Paolo Bilibio
  • Jessica Barros
  • Juscelino Saba Junior
  • Fabio Nascimento
  • Bruno B da Silva
  • Yasmin Maciel
  • Panila L Lorenzzoni
  • Jenny S L Afonso
  • Arivaldo Meireles
  • Yanna A R de Lima
  • Fabiana C Approbato
  • Mônica C S Maia
  • Marisa S Ramos
  • Maria Z P Brito
  • Elisete N Santos
  • Iulla A da Silveira
  • Mário S Approbato
  • José A L Neto
  • Ana P Peixoto
  • Alessandro Schuffner
  • Vinicius B da Rosa
  • Karina S A G Brandão
  • Sofia A de Oliveira
  • Gersia A Viana
  • Manoela C L Lessa
  • Valentina N C Muragaki
  • Ana C M Trigo
  • Pedro P B Filho
  • Joaquim R C Lopes
  • Tatiana R Panaino
  • Joyce B da Silva
  • Maria A Tamm
  • Paloma Lira
  • Patricia C F Arêas
  • Ana C A Mancebo
  • Marcelo M de Souza
  • Roberto A Antunes
  • Maria Do Carmo B de Souza
  • Fernanda E L Marinho
  • Luiza A A C Pereira
  • Michele G da Broi
  • Leonardo A M de Moraes
  • Luciana P T de Aguiar
  • Gabriella G de Oliveira
  • Felipe D Silva
  • Erika M Brescia
  • Camila O S Caires
  • Bruna R de Marchi
  • Cássio L Fácio
  • Ligiane A M de Paula
  • Ligia F Previato
  • Edilberto Araujo Filho
  • Aline Bomfim Silva
  • Fernanda Sicchieri
  • Alessandra A Vireque
  • Marilda H Y Dantas
  • Carlos A F Molina
  • Rosana M dos Reis
  • Monique B Bueno
  • Márcia M Carneiro
  • Ana L L R Baroni
  • Eduardo B Candido
  • Agnaldo L da Silva Filho
  • Márcia C F Ferreira
  • Anna L M Souza
  • Marcos Sampaio
  • Selmo Geber
  • Graciele B Noronha
  • Ludiana G R Coster
  • Roberta S G de Oliveira
  • Caio P Barbosa
  • Camila M Trevisan
  • Gabriel S Conceição
  • Monise C Santos
  • Denise M Christofolini
  • Bianca Bianco
  • Daiane L. Bulgarelli
  • Jacira R. Campos
  • Catieli G. Gervázio
  • Luciene A. Batista
  • Thais Higa
  • Marina M. Machado
  • Ana Carolina J. S. Rosa e Silva
  • Marcos I R Kulmann
  • Marcos Hoher
  • Carla G Basso
  • Norma P de Oliveira
  • Gerta N Frantz
  • Caroline G Dutra
  • Adriana Bos-Mikich
  • Nilo Frantz
  • Alana G A Santos
  • Natália L C Ciriaco
  • Remo C Russo
  • Paulo H A Campos-Junior
  • Franciele O Lunardi
  • João E Pinheiro Neto
  • Lilian M C Serio
  • Benner G Alves
  • Kele A Alves
  • Maria C Cardoso
  • Daniel P D de Paula
  • Thais T. Higa
  • Mary B. Zelinski
  • Ana Carolina J.S. Rosa e Silva
  • Emily de Conto
  • Frederico A Reis Brandão
  • Vanessa K Genro
  • Rita de Cassia B Chapon
  • Daniela S da Silva
  • Joao S da Cunha-Filho
  • Viviane P Santana
  • Cristiana L Miranda-Furtado
  • Maria A C Vasconcelos
  • Rosana M Reis
  • Janaina J M Maciel
  • Tassia S Leão
  • Reinaldo S A Sasaki
  • Eliamar A B Fleury
  • Christiane R Giviziez
  • Neuma Zanluchi
  • Alice Tagliani-Ribeiro
  • Ricardo Azambuja
  • Juliana Polisseni
  • Carolina M de Assunção
  • Fernanda Polisseni
  • Josélio V Rosa
  • Jociane V S Oliveira
  • Larissa M Coutinho
  • João P J Caetano
  • Leticia Wietcovsky
  • Angélica Siewert
  • Tamara Lamim
  • Nicole L L Amaral
  • Vera L L Amaral
  • Larissa Benvenutti
  • Eduardo S A Velazquez
  • Priscila P C Scalco
  • Simone S Mattiello
  • Gerta Frantz
  • Daiane M Paguiarin
  • Kazue H Ribeiro
  • Mila H R Cerqueira
  • Gustavo C E Silva
  • Vanessa N P Perez
  • Rayssa A de Lima
  • Cecília de Souza Monteiro
  • Rosa L Silvestrim
  • Emily de Conto
  • Juliana G Silveira
  • Ciro D Martinhago
  • Ana P Aquino
  • Talita G S Devecchi
  • Carolina Kimati
  • Thais S Domingues
  • Alessandra Evangelista
  • Juliana F. Cuzzi
  • Cássio A Sartório
  • Vivian Sant’anna
  • Caio L V Werneck
  • Ana P S Aguiar
  • Paulo G de Sá
  • Maria C E C Martins
  • Joana C Chagas
  • Fernanda Robin
  • José A Lucca Neto
  • Rodopiano S Florencio
  • Lidia R Z O Castro
  • Jane P Rocha
  • Mariana P Batista
  • Vinicius A de Oliveira
  • Eduardo C Castro
  • Mylena N C Rocha
  • Juliana A Lopes
  • Bruna T G M Jianini
  • Jhenifer K. Rodrigues
  • Renata Bohn
  • Marco Vinicius A S B Fleuri
  • Marta C C F Finotti
  • Mirian R Borges
  • Janaina F Aderaldo
  • Nanete C da Costa Prado
  • Dayane J C de Menezes
  • Kleber M Morais
  • Edualeide J P B da Nóbrega
  • Mychelle M G Torres
  • Kelley R N Barbosa
  • Sabrina M R J Costa
  • Fernanda G Valverde
  • Conrado M Souza Neto
  • Erika C Silveira
  • George H C Silveira
  • Francine F Padilha
  • Isabel B L Verde
  • Vinicius M Lopes
  • Jean P B Brasileiro
  • Natalia I Z Tierno
  • Thaisa S Lacerda
  • Pablo Sales
  • Izabel Magalhaes
  • Jordana Castro
  • Thiago B Gama
  • Corival L A de Castro
  • Fernando C Santos
  • Josiane B Dutra
  • Jhenifer K Rodrigues
  • Moísa L Pedrosa
  • Bruna O Martins
  • Luiza M S Aguiar
  • Ana Márcia M Cota
  • Rívia M Lamaita
  • Mariana A S Reis
  • Maíra R Magri
  • Flávia N M de Oliveira
  • Beatriz M Silva
  • Rosaly R Costa
  • Victor E T de Sousa
  • Yamara A Macedo
  • Irislande Inácio
  • Fernando Castelo Branco
  • Bruno Ramalho De Carvalho
  • Jhenifer Kliemchen Rodrigues
  • Beatriz M Silva Correa
  • Eduardo S De Araújo
  • Frederico J S Correa
  • Isadora S Chaussard
  • Wellington Sanches
  • Fabiana P N Nogueira
  • Margareth J Dias
  • Luciana Le Sueur-Maluf
  • Flora F N Mariotti
  • Giovanna Pimpão
  • Hanna K M Antunes
  • Augusto A de Melo
  • Heloísa A Baptista
  • Milena B Viana
  • Isabel C Céspedes
  • Regina A A Navogino
  • Ana K Bartmann
  • Lucas L M da Silva
  • Amélia G V de Melo
  • Paulo C Saran
  • Uebe C Rezek
  • Giselle S Dias
  • Artur K Schuster
  • Bruno R de Carvalho
  • Marina W P Barbosa
  • Helena Bonesi
  • David B Gomes Sobrinho
  • Iris O Cabral
  • Antônio C P Barbosa
  • Adelino A Silva
  • Jose R Iglésias
  • Hitomi M Nakagawa

s of the 19th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Búzios, RJ, 05-08 August 2015 tes fertilization among women performing IVF/ICSI. Methods: A case-control study was performed. The population comprised women with diagnosis of endometriosis, with or without endometrioma cysts, presenting to IVF/ ICSI procedures. Risk (Odds Ratio – OR) of endometrioma to generate fragmented embryos (B/C/D) or to affect fertilization rates was calculated by Chi-square test using Epi Info software. Results: A total of 781 patients cases were retrieved from medical files. Endometrioma cysts were observed among 31 women (31/781, 4%). Oocytes were retrieved in 23 out of 31 (74.2%) women with endometrioma and in 639 out of 750 (85.2%) women without endometrioma. Regarding oocyte fertilization rates, there was no significant difference among both groups (Fig1). However, the no endometrioma group presented significant less embryos with fragmentation at day 3 than the other group (OR=9.557; CI95%: 1.342-68.051; P<0.001) Fig 2. Conclusions: Although endometrioma cysts were not associated with oocyte fertilization, it may interfere at embryo fragmentation at day 3. However, more studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Fig 1: Oocyte fertilization rate among women with and without endometrioma. Fig 2: Distribution of embryo fragmentation among women with and without endometrioma. P-04. Pregnancy outcome after Day 3 embryo transfer versus blastocyst stage transfer in patients under 35 years João Paolo Bilibio1,2, Jessica Barros2, Juscelino Saba Junior2, Fabio Nascimento1, Bruno B da Silva1, Yasmin Maciel2, Panila L Lorenzzoni1, Jenny S L Afonso2, Arivaldo Meireles1 1Clínica PRONATUS Medicina Reprodutiva, Belém/ PA, Brazil 2UFPA Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil Objetive: Determine if blastocyst stage embryo transfers improve the chance of pregnancy and decrease abortion in patients less than 35 year compared with cleavage stage (Day 3). Methods: The setting for this study was a fertility center, a case control study was performed with 149 women under 35 years undergoing IVF treatments using rFSH and recombinant GnRH antagonist protocol. All the study subjects underwent controlled ovarian stimulation using rFSH and recombinant GnRH antagonist protocol and were into two groups : D3 transfer (D3 group n= 74) and blastocyst transfer (D5 group n=75). Ongoing pregnancies, miscarriage, implantation rate were evaluated. Results: The mean age were 31.6 years (D3 group) versus 32.14 years (D5 group) (years), P 0.121. Mean infertility time were 4.1 years (D3 Group) versus 4.3 years (D5 group), P 0.776). The mean of oocyte MII collected were 9.45 ( D3 group) versus 9.45 (D5 group), P 0.142. The pregnancy rate were 58.1% (D3 group) versus 57.1 (D5 group), P 0.917. The miscarriage rate were 16.9% (D3 group) versus 28.5% (D5 group), P 0.248. We did not find any difference in the number of antral follicles, the values of FSH, LH and estradiol on the third day of the cycle, the values of FSH, LH and estradiol on the day of hCG and endometrial thickness in both groups. Conclusions: Improve laboratory standards and better culture media have media extended culture to blastocyst stage a reality to identify embryos with maximum implantation potential. However the observed pregnancy rate and abortion rate were similar between the two groups (D3 versus blastocyst) in patients under 35 years. The observed pregnancy rate do not allow us to take a position in favor of blastocyst or day 3 transfer in patients under 35 years. P-05. Effect of endometrioma cysts on embryo quality and fertilization rate after IVF/ICSI Yanna A R de Lima1, Fabiana C Approbato1, Mônica C S Maia1, Marisa S Ramos1, Maria Z P Brito1, Elisete N Santos1, Iulla A da Silveira1, Mário S Approbato1 1Laboratório de Reprodução Humana, Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás/GO, Brazil Objective: Endometrioma cysts have been associated with poor outcomes related to assisted human reproduction procedures. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of endometriomas on embrio fragmentation (Depa-Martynow et al., 2007) and oocy169 JBRA Assist. Reprod. | V.20 | no3| Jul-Aug-Sep/ 2016 P-06. Evaluation of oocyte profile of patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) with Elonva® José A L Neto1, Ana P Peixoto1, Alessandro Schuffner1, Vinicius B da Rosa1 1Clínica Conceber Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva, Curitiba/ PR, Brazil Objective: EOC Effectiveness using Elonva® by assessing the oocyte profile. Methods: A retrospective study of case-control with 231 EOC cycles from 168 patients between May 2015 and May 2016. Cycles were divided between groups Elonva® (n=95) and control (n=136). The pituitary suppression of groups was made with GnRH antagonist. The Elonva® patients received single doses of 100 or 150 micrograms associated with additional ovarian stimulation with rFSH or hMG. Control patients received daily doses of rFSH or hMG. It was evaluated: endometrial thickness on the day of hCG; number of follicles over 12mm, oocytes retrieved, M2 oocytes and fertilized oocytes. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. Results: The Elonva® and control groups were similar for age (36.7±0.6 and 36.4±0.4, P=0.68), BMI (23.7±0.4 and 24.1±0.4, P=0.46), hCG administration day (11.9±0.4 and 11.3±0.2, P=0.36), AMH (2±0.3 and 2.4±0.6, P=0.55) and number of oocytes injected (5.6±0.4 and 5.7±0.4, P=0.89). The groups showed no significant differences for the parameters: endometrial thickness (9.1±0.2 and 8.9±0.2, P=0.45), number of follicles (9.2±0.7 and 8.9±0.5, P=0.71), number of oocytes (8.3±0.8 and 7.8±0.6, P=0.57), number of M2 (6.3±0.6 and 5.8±0.5, P=0.48), fertilized oocytes (3.5±0.3 and 3.6±0.3, P=0.94). Conclusions: We conclude that the Elonva® and Control groups did not differ in any parameters evaluated in this study. Although the necessity of more studies to confirm these results, the Elonva® seems to be an option for ART patients with the benefit of the single application during the first week of stimulation. P-07. Serological evaluation of Zika virus, in epidemic area, in asymptomatic infertility patients Karina S A G Brandão1, Sofia A de Oliveira1, Gersia A Viana1, Manoela C L Lessa1, Valentina N C Muragaki1, Ana C M Trigo1, Pedro P B Filho1, Joaquim R C Lopes1 1CENAFERT Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva, Salvador/ BA, Brazil Objectives: Descriptive analysis of the positive serology detection for Zika virus (IgM and IgG) in asymptomatic patients diagnosed with infertility. Materials and Material Methods: The study was conducted from March through May 2016 at the reproductive center. 134 patients were enrolled in this trial, 75 women and 54 men. Couples were starting in-vitro fertilization cycle with fresh or frozen egg/embryo and 21 women were doing cryopreservation oocytes. All of them had no symptoms of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. Systematic screening was done to ZIKV, as recommended in rules of ANVISA, requesting IgG and IgM for women and IgM for men in epidemic area in Salvador, Bahia. Among the 134 patients, only 109 also carried out the analysis of the IgG fraction. It was used immunoassay technique (ELISA) to obtain the IgG fraction and the IgM serology was made with standard kit (Euroimmun®). Results: All of the 134 samples, taken for IgM fraction analysis, were negative. In case of IgG fraction analysis, from the 109 collected samples, 51 were negative, 6 were indeterminate and 30 were positive (36% with suspected viral exposure). In this study, 18 women and 12 men had positive IgG ZIKV. In timely advice, these patients were advised to postpone treatment in 08 weeks and 06 months respectively. Conclusions: More studies are necessary to corroborate the adoption of this practice, as it impacts on the security of time to begin assisted reproductive treatments. P-08. High Progesterone levels at the initiation of stimulation cycles with antagonists and clinical pregnancy: still a concern? Tatiana R Panaino1, Joyce B da Silva1, Maria A Tamm1, Paloma Lira1, Patricia C F Arêas1, Ana C A Mancebo1, Marcelo M de Souza1, Roberto A Antunes1, Maria Do Carmo B de Souza1 1Fertipraxis Centro de Reprodução Humana, Rio de Janeiro/ RJ, Brazil Objective: Today most IVF/ICSI cycles use antagonists and the look of the experts turn to progesterone levels on the day of hCG injection. This study returns to assess the impact of serum progesterone at the initiation of stimulation and clinical pregnancy rates. This condition was previously suspected of decreased chance of pregnancy. Methods: Retrospective cohort study including 610 fresh embryo transferred ICSI antagonist cycles from Jan 2004 to April 2015 in women ≤ 39 years. All of them were stimulated with rFSH, associated or not with HMG, and every patient had to get serum progesterone (P4) levels checked at the beginning of the ovarian stimulation. The ICSI cycles were divided in two groups according to the patient’s P4 level: ≤ 1500ng/dL or >1500ng/dL, based on the literature previous studies. The main outcome was clinical pregnancy. Results: 568 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the progesterone assay at the initiation of the cycle and had oocyte retrieval. There were 22 patients with P4 >1500ng/ dL (3.9%) and 546 patients with P4 ≤ 1500ng/dL (96.1%). There was no difference in age, duration of stimulation and total amount of gonadotropins, but the number of oocytes retrieved was higher in the altered P4 group (10,81 ± 8,06 versus 7.93 ± 4.91, P = 0.009). However, no difference resulted in metaphase II oocytes, fertilization rate or number of embryos transferred (2.22 ± 0.75 versus 2.18 ± 0.73). In 7 out of these 22 altered P4 levels patients, the higher levels persisted on hCG day. There was no statistically significant difference in clinical pregnancy rates between groups (4/22= 18.2%) in P4 > 1500 versus (210/546 =38.4%) in P4 ≤ 1500. In the P4 group > 1500 from 4 pregnant women, one had a miscarriage. Conclusions: No evidence can be attributed in the current study to elevated progesterone levels in the beginning of the cycles as a decreasing factor to pregnancy. 170 JBRA Assist. Reprod. | V.20 | no3| Jul-Aug-Sep/ 2016 Abstracts of the 20th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Belo Horizonte/MG, 14-17 September 2016 Abstracts of the 19th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Búzios, RJ, 05-08 August 2015 171s of the 19th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Búzios, RJ, 05-08 August 2015 171 JBRA Assist. Reprod. | V.20 | no3| Jul-Aug-Sep/ 2016 P-09. Ovarian grafts 10 days after xenotransplantation: folliculogenesis and recovery of viable oocytes Marco T Dias1, Thalys J M Alves1, Fernanda E L Marinho1, Jhéssica L M Gonzaga1, Paulo H A CamposJúnior1 1Universidade Federal de São João del Rei/MG, Brazil Objective: Ovarian xenotransplantation is a promising alternative to preserve fertility of oncologic patients. However, several functional aspects of this procedure remained to be addressed. The aim of this study was evaluate the feasibility of xenotransplantation as a strategy to maintain ovarian grafts and produce oocytes. Methods: Adult ovarian cortical pieces were xenotransplanted to the dorsal subcutaneous of female NOD-SCID mice (n=62). Grafts were recovered ten days after xenotransplantation. Host and graft weights; folliculogenesis progression; blood perfusion, relative gene expression and number of macrophage and neutrophil of xenografts; in vitro developmental competence of graft-derived oocytes were evaluated. Results: Folliculogenesis was supported in the grafts. Primordial, primary, secondary, antral, and atretic follicles were observed. The xenografts showed a greater volumetric density of atretic follicles and higher hyperemia and number of host-derived macrophage and neutrophil (P<0.05), when compared to non-grafted fragments. There was a higher blood perfusion under the back skin in the transplantation sites of host animals than in control and non-grafted (P<0.01). BAX and PRDX1 genes were up-regulated, while BCL2, FSHR, IGF1R and IGF2R were down-regulated, when compared to the control (P<0.01). 27 oocytes were harvested from grafts, and some of these oocytes were able to give rise to blastocysts after IVF. However, cleavage and blastocyst rates of xenograft derived oocytes were lower than in control (P<0.01). Conclusions: Despite showing some functional modifications, the ovarian xenografts were able to support folliculogenesis and produce functional oocytes that, for the first time in the literature, were able to give rise to blastocysts. P-10. Ovarian vitrification does not affect the estradiol secretion and blood perfusion in autografted mice Thalys J M Alves, Marco T Dias, Filipe P Barreto, Luiza A A C Pereira, Jhéssica L M Gonzaga, Paulo H A Campos-Júnior 1Universidade Federal de São João del Rei/MG, Brazil Objective: Evaluate the estradiol levels and estrous cycle of fresh and vitrified ovarian autotransplant recipients as well the kinetics of graft blood perfusion. Methods: Female Balbc mice (60days, n=24), were subdivided in: control, ovariectomized, autotransplanted with (C) fresh, and (D) vitrified ovaries, using IngáMed® kit. 24d after autotransplantation animals were euthanized, blood samples were collected and plasmatic estradiol levels were evaluated. Once a day, the estrous cycle stage was evaluated using vaginal smear. Furthermore, blood perfusion was evaluated 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 21 and 23 days after autotransplantation. The graft perfusion was estimated by the values obtained in the site of transplantation minus non-recipients skin. Data were analyzed using Neuman Keus test. Results: Estradiol levels of vitrified and fresh ovary recipients were not statistically different (17.2pg/ml-1 and 18.3pg/ml-1 , respectively), however it was lower than control (22.3pg/ml-1 ) and higher than the ovariectomized (10.3pg/ml-1 ). Corroborating these findings, the analysis of the estrous cycle showed that graft recipients have stage frequency differences from the ovariectomized animals (proestrous 10.9% vs 0.0%, estrous 56.3% vs 0.0%, metaestrous 18.1% vs 13.3% and diestrous 14.5% vs 86.6% respectively). Additionally, the blood perfusion in the site of the transplantation was not different between fresh and vitrified groups and among all time points evaluated. Conclusions: This study showed that ovarian grafts were (i) healthily received by the recipient mice (ii) able to produce estradiol that could (iii) restore the estrous cycle of those animals, and that the grafts were (iv) satisfactorily perfused since the transplantation. P-11. Differential profile of transcripts in eutopic endometrium of infertile women with endometriosis and controls during the implantation window

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Oral Presentations: Abstracts of the 20th Annual Congress of the SBRA, Belo Horizonte/MG 14-17 September 2016

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دوره 20  شماره 

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تاریخ انتشار 2016